
By default pytest-logger does nothing in scope of logging. It's only default action is to add new hooks and fixture. Terminal output, logfiles together with their directory structure, symlink appear only when explicitly requested by user via one of hooks or fixture.

Logging to stdout or files

Implement pytest-logger hooks in your to direct logs to terminal or files.

Terminal output mixes with normal pytest's output in graceful manner. File output is stored in logs directory (see logs dir layout and link to logs dir).

There are two ways of doing this. First one simpler to use, second one more flexible. They cannot be mixed in given test session.

Things to note:

  • stdout capturing: in order to see logs printed on terminal in real time during test execution, you need to disable output capturing by -s switch.
  • default root level: by default root logger (and implicitly all its children) has warning level threshold set. If any logger via any hook is configured, root logger level will be set to NOTSET to pass all logs according to levels set by pytest_logger user.
  • no handlers warning: if log wouldn't get filtered, but there are no handlers added to logger, unwanted message is printed. Add NullHandler to such loggers.
  • default logging config: if root logger has no handlers, using module level logging functions will setup basic logging config. It makes no sense in combintion with this plugin. Be sure root logger has some handler (at least NullHandler) or just don't use these functions.
  • pytest-xdist: stdout output is not printed to terminal in pytest-xdist runs. File output works as in single process mode.

High-level hook

def pytest_logger_config(logger_config):
    # adds two loggers, which will:
    #   - log to filesystem at all levels
    #   - log to terminal with default WARN level if provided in --loggers option
    logger_config.add_loggers(['foo', 'bar'], stdout_level='warn')

    # default --loggers option is set to log foo at WARN level and bar at NOTSET

Low-level hooks

import logging

def pytest_logger_stdoutloggers(item):
    # handles foo logger at chosen level and bar at all levels
    return [('foo', logging.WARN), 'bar']

def pytest_logger_fileloggers(item):
    # handles root logger
    return ['']

The logs directory layout

Directory with logfiles is located
  • under test session's basetemp directory named "logs"
└── pytest-of-aurzenligl
    ├── pytest-0
    │   └── logs
    │       (...)
    ├── pytest-1
    │   └── logs
    │       (...)
    └── pytest-2
        └── logs
  • under predefined location, if --logger-logsdir option or logger_logsdir entry in configuration file defined
└── (...)

It has structure following pytest test item's nodeid.

  • test directories are directories
  • test filenames are directories
  • test classes are directories
  • test functions are directories (each parametrized testcase variant is distinct)
  • each registered logger is a file (root logger is called 'root')
├── classtests
│   └──
│       └── TestClass
│           └── test_class
│               ├── daemon
│               └── setup
├── parametrictests
│   └──
│       ├── test_param-2-abc
│       └── test_param-4.127-de
│           └── setup
    └── test_cat
        └── proc

Split logs by outcome

It is possible to split the logs by test outcome. If chosen to do so (by calling below method):

# content of
def pytest_logger_config(logger_config):

Will result in below directory structure:

├── classtests
│   └──
│       └── TestClass
│           ├── test_class
│           |   ├── daemon
│           |   └── setup
|           └── test_that_failed_two
|               └── somelogfile
├── by_outcome
|   └── failed
|       ├── classtests
│       |   └──
│       |       └── TestClass
|       |           └── test_that_failed_two -> ../../../../../../classtests/
|       └──
|           └── test_that_failed_one -> ../../../../
    ├── test_cat
    |   └── proc
    └── test_that_failed_one
        └── somelog

You can change the default by_outcome dirname to something else, as well as add more "per-outcome" subdirectories by passing proper arguments to the split_by_outcome method.

The logdir fixture

Like pytest's tmpdir it's a py.path.local object which offers os.path methods. Points to logs subdirectory related to particular testcase. Directory is ensured to exist and custom log files can be written into it:

def test_foo(logdir):

API reference

class pytest_logger.plugin.LoggerHookspec[source]

called before cmdline options parsing. Accepts terse configuration of both stdout and file logging, adds cmdline options to manipulate stdout logging. Cannot be used together with *loggers hooks.

Parameters:logger_config -- instance of LoggerConfig, allows setting loggers for stdout and file handling and their levels.

called before testcase setup. If implemented, given loggers will emit their output to terminal output. Cannot be used together with logger_config hook.

Parameters:item -- test item for which handlers are to be setup.
Return list:List should contain logger name strings or tuples with logger name string and logging level.

called before testcase setup. If implemented, given loggers will emit their output to files within logs temporary directory. Cannot be used together with logger_config hook.

Parameters:item -- test item for which handlers are to be setup.
Return list:List should contain logger name strings or tuples with logger name string and logging level.

called after cmdline options parsing. If implemented, symlink to logs directory will be created.

Parameters:config -- pytest config object, holds e.g. options
Return string:Absolute path of requested link to logs directory.
class pytest_logger.plugin.LoggerConfig[source]

Configuration of logging to stdout and filesystem.

add_loggers(loggers, stdout_level=0, file_level=0)[source]

Adds loggers for stdout/filesystem handling.

Stdout: loggers will log to stdout only when mentioned in loggers option. If they're mentioned without explicit level, stdout_level will be used.

Filesystem: loggers will log to files at file_level.

  • loggers -- List of logger names.
  • stdout_level -- Default level at which stdout handlers will pass logs. By default: logging.NOTSET, which means: pass everything.
  • file_level -- Level at which filesystem handlers will pass logs. By default: logging.NOTSET, which means: pass everything.

Sets the logging.Formatter class to be used by all loggers.

Parameters:formatter_class -- The logging.Formatter class

Sets default value of log option.

split_by_outcome(outcomes=None, subdir='by_outcome')[source]

Makes a directory inside main logdir where logs are further split by test outcome

  • subdir -- name for the subdirectory in main log directory
  • outcomes -- list of test outcomes to be handled (failed/passed/skipped)

Command line options

where <logsdir> is root directory where log files are created
where <loggers> are a comma delimited list of loggers optionally suffixed with level preceded by a dot. Levels can be lower or uppercase, or numeric. For example: "logger1,,logger3.FATAL,logger4.25"

Configuration file parameters

where <logsdir> is root directory where log files are created